din and dragon genius

din and dragon genius

din and dragon genius (Wish Dragon) is directed by chris apelhans, who was born in Idaho, United States.

However, the film is based on Chinese folktales, which are linked to some of the director’s own experiences in China.

in an interview with CBR, Appelhans commented on the difficult balance of making films for Western and Eastern audiences.

“When I first had this idea, A very important choice I had to make it was to do it with a big US studio – that would have been much easier and we would have had a lot more money to do it in China or go and do. I had a meeting with Base Animation, a studio in China, and they were a VFX company, they had never done animation, but they had a team of 20-30 young Chinese millennials and they said, ‘We love this story. do and are related to and everything here that is completely wrong in what you are trying to do’ [Risos] And I thought, ‘This is what I need to do a film with’.”

The director explained that although the film was made in China, many western features were retained.

I think the moment that mattered the most was to do it with a studio in China and a basically Chinese team and stay there for three years. And yet, it’s still a Western film in many ways, with the fundamental ways in which the characters come to life. What to achieve is a sense of freedom for the main character [ele] wants it to be too western in many ways, but we’re also living in a [mundo] really connected. When I spoke to my team and the filmmakers working in China who belong to that generation, they said, ‘We are now part of international citizens and we have a great influence on not only traditional values ​​and ideas of family, but On everyone we look around us, of the world, we all cross-pollinate'”.

Scenes from Din and the Dragon Genius (Playback/Netflix)

The director explained that he wanted to create a story of his personal experience in China in the past, where he met a great friend, and something that would reach all people, regardless of culture.

“I wanted to make a film that didn’t speak for China as a culture. It’s also not meant for third-person outsider observation. It’s basically supposed to be a story about what happened to me: here’s one person’s journey through this world and yet it touches on issues and feelings that are in all cultures, so let’s be universal and specific. Let’s create a story to serve. which is hard and that’s why I’m so tired. [Risos] Hope it worked! I think it’s a new generation of stories with creators from different countries who share a lot in common and still have a lot in common with each other. I knew my team so well and in a way, after three years, I hardly knew them and barely understood this culture, but I think this is the kind of film that really helped us. It’s healthy to create and connect. “

din and dragon genius premiere on June 11 Netflix.

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Bachelor in Administration and Psychology. He did drawing course with specialization in cartoons. He loves video games, animations, movies and series of super heroes and monsters. He is currently dedicated to writing the ePipoca portal.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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