Crown Street spoilers – Gary attacks Todd Grimshaw twist

Crown Street spoilers - Gary attacks Todd Grimshaw twist

Crown Street Disorders

Crown StreetGary Winds (Mickey North) has a shocking attack in the twist of a new Todd Grimshaw (Gareth Pierce) story.

Todd is set to return to Murray this weekend when he quickly arranges a secret meeting with mother Eileen in a warehouse and tells them to hide from a dangerous man named Mick Costello from stealing money from her. Is trying.

Mick in the coronation street


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It wasn’t long before Mick became aware of his presence in the off-season, as he later goes to the Grimshaw home and puts the family at gunpoint.

Later, in an episode that airs on Friday, October 16, Gary Winds finds himself trapped in Mick’s crossfire as part of the story, Mick arrives at the furniture store with one of his sidekicks – where Gary would be now. Is. Be.

Mick confronts Gary Winds in Coronation Street


While at the store, Mick threatens and attacks Gary, falsely admitting that he is in a cohort with Todd.

After beating Gary, Mick Gayle rushes to run around the plot (Helen Worth), who angrily takes pictures of the car’s registry plate.

Later, Maria (Samia Longchamben) returns to the furniture store, and when she finds out that Gary has been beaten and is bleeding, she panics and encourages Gary to tell Craig everything.

But one question remains – where is Todd?

Mick confronts Gary Winds in Coronation Street


While it’s not yet clear why Mick understands that Gary Todd is involved in the plot, it’s clear that dangerous Mick means business. Can Gary, Todd, and Eileen stay out of harm’s way?

Crown Street The scenes air in an hour-long episode on Friday, October 16 at 7.30pm on ITV.

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