Collaborative economy and sustainability: Generation Y breaks paradigms in favor of the planet – poca Negócios

Collaborative economy and sustainability: Generation Y breaks paradigms in favor of the planet – poca Negócios

Fossil fuel activists protest outside the COP26 plenary (Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

The planet is asking for help. Currently, humanity uses 74% more natural resources than ecosystems, according to a survey by Earth Overshoot Day, which is organized and calculated by the Global Footprint Network, which places the human economy within Earth’s ecological boundaries. There is an international organization of reference research to help conduct. In other words, if nothing is done, there may not be raw material to meet the needs of the next generations.

But this reality may change after new generations behave like eco-boomer (or Generation Y Sustantavelle), those born between 1985 and 1999, whose social and environmental values ​​share information related to sustainability. This is even more implicit in Generation Z (2000 – Current), which, in addition to believing that global climate change is caused by human activities, is also more preoccupied with consumption. According to the American NGO DoingMing, these generations prefer to buy products from more environmentally active brands, even if they are more expensive.

The survey also shows that in the case of these new generations, almost half (47%) bought used products, while more than half (55%) sold old items. That is, they prioritize freedom and experience, while simultaneously challenging consumers’ perceptions of ownership, especially those from previous generations. A behavior that is reflected in a profound change in the way we consume can be seen in the development of applications and companies with the concept of a shared and collaborative economy.

A more sustainable lifestyle can already be seen in the use of apps for rides and transportation to work with shared space. These are examples of markets that are increasingly present in the world and that offer cost benefits as well as reduction in environmental impacts. For example, a survey conducted by the National Confederation of Store Leaders (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) suggests that the public well-versed in the sharing of services appreciate the benefits of avoiding waste as an opportunity associated with a sharing economy. Reduce lighting (44%) and excessive consumption (43%). Another interesting factor in the study is the 68% to 81% increase in the number of people willing to adopt more collaborative consumption practices on a daily basis over the next two years.

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For Canadian Elvis Migotto, who has been living in Brazil since 1994 and has more than 20 years of experience managing sustainability-related projects in countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Singapore, Korea, Mexico, etc. A trend that is increasing and should extend to other economic sectors. “The consumption habits of the population, especially Millennials, the Z and Y generations, are increasingly associated with environmental awareness. This is something that should affect many sectors, including real estate. Proof of this is the growth of applications that share homes and enterprises with the concept of multi-ownership”, assesses Migotto, who is also director of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) at Amazon Fun Parks, a theme park with sustainable. Multi-ownership with an advanced project slated for implementation in Brazil in 2022 and another under study in the United States in the area of ​​Coney Island, New York.

Even with the recent regulation in Brazil, in 2018, the multi-property regime, or the sale of a fraction of a property, has increased significantly in the country, through Law No. 13,777. According to a report published by Caio in September this year, the number of projects with the concept of multi-asset was about 17% in 2021 compared to the previous year and PSV (normal value sold) of R$28 billion. Calfat Real Estate Consulting.

According to Migoto, it is a business model that is tied to the title of the property and which entitles the owner to use this asset for a proportionate amount of time in proportion to the share he/she has purchased. “The right to use one’s property as a hotel or resort for a few weeks and share costs with other owners has increased significantly in the world and should fuel new consumption habits. Considered ‘nomadic’ and enabled the ‘work in nature’ movement, home office work or development in nature. Multi-property is linked to these trends as it allows the exchange of residences with other owners of fractional properties around the world. -provides as well”, explains Migoto.

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To meet the growing demand for people with a conscious consumption profile, a future Amazon Fun Park project, for example, in Santa Catarina, will feature a sustainable and low-impact architecture. The owner of such a development will be able to take advantage of services such as: cleaning, driver, among other amenities. Through an architecture with a concept linked to sustainability, Amazon Fun Park will feature a green roof that contributes to absorbing pollutants, reducing energy consumption, in addition to reducing noise and roof temperature. It will also feature a modern rainwater collection system and wall design that creates a thermal labyrinth for temperature control. Another innovation, along with the design of the walls and the technology used, is the use of groundwater for cooling on hot summer days, which has the potential to reduce temperatures by as much as 10 °C. The project is signed by NotToScale, a company headquartered in Lugano in southern Switzerland, in collaboration with Brazilian architects.

Along with the concept of sustainability, Amazon Fun Park also aims to develop environmental awareness actions in line with the 11 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations through the Amazonizer Institute. Public spaces for the dissemination of scientific research, permanent and traveling art exhibitions are some of the actions planned in Santa Catarina and the Amazon, in addition to the support of organizations committed to environmental education and environmental protection.

“Starting with Amazon, whose conservation impacts various sectors of society and the global economy, the institute seeks to contribute to the development of environmental and consumer awareness that meets the urgency of the planet to review its economic and development models. Knowing and feeling the experience is a way to raise awareness of conservation”, explains Anna Claudia Agazzi, a university professor invited to make the Institute about the Amazon and curator of exhibitions, with 20 years of experience related to art and culture Huh.

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*Juan Pablo D. Boeira, PhD and Master in Innovation by Unicinos, Certification in Innovation by Harvard and Business by MIT and CEO of AAA InnovaCao

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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