Chris Evans revolts over gay kissing controversy in ‘Lightyear’

Chris Evans revolts over gay kissing controversy in ‘Lightyear’

Buzz Lightyear’s voice actor Chris Evans was outraged by criticism of gay kissing in Pixar’s new film “Lightear”. Animation was also banned in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, where homosexuality is a crime.

Because of the ban, the scene in “Lightyear” in question shows a scientist, voiced by Uzo Aduba Hawthorne, giving a peck to his wife. According to information from Gamesradar, the moment may have been cut from the film, but was later reinstated. That’s because Disney was recently criticized for donating to the sponsor of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill.


Character voiced by Uzo Aduba Hawthorne. Disclosure / Pixar

“The truth is these people are idiots,” Evans told Reuters. “Every time we woke up there was social advancement, American history, human history is one of continuous awakening and social development and that’s what makes us good.”

Outraged, the Marvel star criticized those who “live in the past”. “There will always be people who are scared and unconscious and trying to keep who they were before. But these people die like dinosaurs. I think the goal is to ignore them, move on and that Adopting evolution is what makes us human.”

Say, Chris Evans: Does “Lightyear” Have Post-Credits Scenes?

“Lightear” premiered in Brazilian cinemas this Thursday, and as it has become a fashion, the question remains: Are there any post-credits scenes in the film?

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The answer is yes, and only one no. The film that features an adventure in space lived by Buzz Lightyear—not the doll we know in the “Toy Story” franchise, but the Space Patrolman who gave birth to her—has three post-credits scenes. To find out what they are, check out the full report (with spoilers) here.

Olhar Digital has already spotted the “Toy Story” spin-off, and you can see what we think of the film here.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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