At 6:00 a.m. on September 14 (Brasilia time), Osvaldo Susi Jr., Coordinator for International Collaborative Projects (PCI/CESU), delivered a lecture titled “The Importance of Internationalization in Education” for students coming to Symbiosis. At the Center for Management Studies, Pune (India).
The invitation comes from Dr. Ashutosh Mathur, who is responsible for corporate affairs at the Indian University, and is the result of two separate international collaborative projects in the second half of 2021. In the finance sector, Professor Shreya Virani will work with Professor Ricardo Trova (Fatec Itaquaquetuba).
And, in the area of Human Resource Management, Professor Nehajon Panacal will collaborate with Professor Ricardo Pompeu (Fatec Americana), Raffaelli Cardozo Modolo Begli and Danilo Sergio Sorosse (Fatec Sumare). This PCI includes the study of job satisfaction, an emerging topic in discussions about people management.
“We have been working on this project for almost two months and our conversations are proving to be absolutely convergent”, commented Pompeo. “I believe this is due to a very strong understanding of the purpose of this project, how it should be implemented and the expected results.”
what are pci
International Collaborative Projects (PCIs) of Cesu (University of Graduate Education of Centro Paula Souza) are also called Virtual Exchange (Virtual Exchange), COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning), EDGE (Experiential Digital Global Experience), GLE (Global Learning) . experience) or hybrid module. In Centro Paula Souza’s Fatex, the PCI nomenclature is used. Based on global education for citizenship and internationalization at home, PCI enables FTECH students and their international partners to develop activities aligned with certain disciplines, while developing their digital, linguistic, intercultural and teamwork skills.