Brazilian-made plane voted world’s coolest plane at UK festival | World

The Portuguese Air Force’s KC-390 aircraft won an award in the world’s most beautiful category at an event in the United Kingdom. – Photo: Royal International Air Tattoo/Reproduction

The Embraer KC-390 aircraft won the “Concours d’Elegance” award, which selects the most beautiful aircraft in the world. A unit of the received this award Portuguese Air Force Who took part in the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) air festival taking place this weekend in the United Kingdom.

The awards are decided by an international panel that distinguishes the best prepared and presentable aircraft at the exhibition.

The Concours d’Elegance is divided into three categories: military aircraft, civil aircraft and the grand winner, which is the most important. The Portuguese Air Force aircraft won the most notable trophy.

Portugal was the first country to purchase Brazilian military aircraft in 2019. At the time, the Portuguese government announced the purchase of five K-390 cargo aircraft in a negotiated deal worth 827 million euros.

The second unit of KC-390 was handed over to the Portuguese in June this year.

KC-390: See how the FAB aircraft is used for the first time against the fire in the Pantanal

The aircraft was also used in other disaster situations: in January 2021, at the peak of the crisis of the second wave of the Covid pandemic, Manaus recorded a shortage of oxygen in the hospital to treat patients in critical condition.

The KC-390 Millennium aircraft is the largest aircraft built and developed in the Southern Hemisphere – Photo: TV Globo/Reproduction

more recently, Jornal Nacional followed a flight on a KC-390 that departed from Rio de Janeiro with supplies for Rio Grande do Sul.

Heading to Rio Grande do Sul, the soldiers loaded 14 tonnes of equipment onto the plane to build a field hospital – such as tarpaulins, stretchers and refrigeration equipment.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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