Bolsonaro is considering replacing Ernesto Arazo with Maria Nazareth, Lyle

Bolsonaro is considering replacing Ernesto Arazo with Maria Nazareth, Lyle

Bolsonaro and Chancellor Ernesto Arazzo | Sergio Lima / AFP

gives Leaf:

In the final stretch to settle the 5G auction rules set for June 2021, operators still await a position from President Jair Bolsonaro (without party) on a possible ban on Huawei. Chinese giants lead the technology of fifth generation devices in the world. For the telecast, Democrat Joe Biden’s defeat of Donald Trump promises to calm the hostile climate of the ideological wing of the government that opposes the Chinese manufacturer. The group is headed by the GSI (Office of Institutional Security) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President of the Republic.

Planalto advisors assessed the need to replace Chancellor Ernesto Arazzo, who was very marked by his staunch defense of a strategic partnership with Trump and the policy that led both countries to neglect good environmental protection practices.

One of the names considered for its replacement is Ambassador Maria Nazareth Farani Azivedo.
Known as Lele, she is married to Roberto Azevedo, former director general of the WTO (World Trade Organization), who was appointed as one of the chief executives of Pepsi in the USA. Advisers to the president believe that Lele will be able to rebuild the bridges with Biden. To date Bolsonaro has not sent a message for victory in the presidential elections. He acknowledged the victory on the social network.


About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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