‘Asked $ 800’ · TV News

‘Asked $ 800’ · TV News

Paulo Goulart Filho His Instagram was attacked by scammers and lost his profile with around 148 thousand followers since Sunday (23). “I received an email from a hacker demanding $ 800 to clear my account. Can you believe it?”, Condemned the actor, who followed the platform’s protocol to recover the page Is trying

The son revealed the problem on the Internet by his sister. Barbara bruno On social networks. “We announce that a clone of the @paulogoulartfilho profile has been created on Instagram. It will be relaunched soon,” he warned yesterday.

By TV news, Sharur’s interpreter in Origin, Off the record, reported a strange movement before finding himself without his social network. He joined the cast of Bible soap opera In Ur dos Chaldeans stage, now the broadcaster shows Journey of abraham.

“A message came from Instagram on Direct only [mensagem direta] Asking for many things like password, email and cell phone number. I was confirming and updating, but [a conta] Did not return Asked to try in 10 or 15 minutes due to several attempts for an hour. After that, everything went for good. It disappeared ”, he elaborated.

He said, “I received several emails from Instagram stating that a person tried to enter my Instagram in Turkey. They were asking for several confirmation codes.”

The artist waits through the stage’s help desk for an official return, and recently regrets the position of starting to receive the award as a digital influencer.

“I’m starting to work with Instagram. Many companies are looking for advertising. With my number of followers, it was becoming more interesting. And the public’s attention and affection is there. I get a lot of good messages , People like to follow “, description.

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“I’m a wild animal (laughs), but I was getting used to posting stories, because people like it. I have to get used to this new way of communication. Let’s see if we can recover.” [a conta]”, Ends with expectation.

The report sought advice from Instagram, which sought more information about the case for the official position.

See Paulo Goulart Filho’s publication on Barbara Bruno’s Instagram:

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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