Ancien has halted fundraising for a film about Fernando Henrique Cardoso – Papo de Cinema

Papo de Cinema

Another worrying news has come from National Cinema Agency Ansene. According to an article in Farofafa for Carta Capital, the institution vetoed the right to raise funds for the documentary. impossible president, about the trajectory of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. The film was proposed by Giros Films, whose documentary boy 23 (2016) became an Oscar eligible.
The agency’s deputy president, Mauro Gonsalves de Souza, along with deputy director Adilácio Barra took the decision. The reasons given for the impediment are worrying, as they are based on judgments of political and ideological value rather than technical opinion. criticizes the rationale “Notorious political use, at the expense of the public exchequer”, in “Approximation to the 2022 Elections”.
The text continues: “If the Federal Supreme Court has already declared the unconstitutionality of laws that, in violation of the principle of impersonality, authorizing the designation of public places with the names of living people, it seems to me, yes, more serious. , and the reason for the same, approving the project with political content in which a living and still active politician is honored”.
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The argument proves problematic for a number of reasons. First, a work of art should not be subject to the same rules that apply to street names. Second, it’s not up to Ensien’s management to determine whether a “political use” of a work is legitimate—especially when it comes to the same names that have just approved fundraising. not everything falls apart, Josias Teofilo’s film about Jair Bolsonaro’s career.
The third and most important reason lies in the idea that mentioning a politician in a work, or an analysis of his history, does not necessarily mean paying tribute to him – reading can be quite important, as in Michael Moore and Oliver Stone. Has been featured in several documentaries. United States, and Democracy in Vertigo (2019), tropical abyss A (2019) E process (2018) in Brazil, or even There will be no hits! (2019), to give an example of a right-wing project.
The decision to allow some actions of a political nature to the detriment of others, whose line the government dislikes, is a clear sign of censorship. Usually, in these cases, those responsible use the term refutation to not technically restrict the performance of the work – impossible president This can still be done only with personal funds, such as imagined. son of lula, brazil (2009). However, the strategy of making production difficult, or privileging certain ideological aspects, enters the definition of the term censorship.

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Film critic since 2004, member of ABRACCINE (Brazilian Film Critics Association). Master in Film Theory from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University – Paris III. Passing by vehicles such as Adorocinema, Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil and Rua – Revista Universitaria do audiovisuals. Professor of audiovisual courses and author of articles on cinema. Editor of Papo de Cinema.


About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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