“A starman is waiting in the sky. He would like to come and meet us, ”but he is 37 million miles away and busy Mars.
Alan Musk has been around for almost three years Falcon heavy rocket launched In his own Tesla Roadster variable carrying spacecraft. After David Boy’s song in the driver’s seat, wearing a spacesuit prototype designed by the mask company SpaceX, called “Starman”.
Unique and quick cash for discriminating stunts: it’s a joke, with more money he can probably spend on earth.
Back at the launch, the car’s stereo blew up Boeing’s “Life on Mars”? When the dashboard flashed, “Don’t panic,” an attack hit, “Hitchaker Guide to the Galaxy.”
But Starman is not just a stunt. Craftsmen will orbit the sun at a speed of 13.5 miles per hour for billions of years. So it will cross Mars and Earth several times, and this week came within .05 astronomical units, or within 5 million miles, from the surface of the Red Planet.
This is a significant step towards NASA and Musk’s personal goal of gathering more information on Mars and ultimately colonizing it.
Getting millions of miles with an artificial Getang doesn’t mean we’re close to getting a human here, but calculating this way is a good sign that we’re on our way.