WhatsApp The specialist is testing new features in the “last seen” tool, according to website WABetaInfo. Novelty, which has been on trial since last Saturday (16) in beta version On of the application Android And iPhone ,iOS), will allow you to hide status for specific Messenger contacts.
In addition, the new functions will bring some changes to the privacy settings of still photos and bio of users. There is still no prediction and/or certainty about the release of the novelty in the stable version of the app.
WhatsApp tests new feature to hide last seen status; See if you can participate – Photo: Anna Kellen Bull/Tektudo
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A feature of “Last Seen” WhatsApp Which shows the time of the user’s last access to Messenger. For security and privacy reasons, many users choose to hide this information from all friends or strangers. The new tool will let you choose which of your contacts’ status will not be shown.
It is worth remembering that “Last Seen” is different from the “Online” status, which needs to be configured separately. The latter allows it to be set to be shared in three layers between “All My Contacts”, “Except My Contacts” and “For Sharing Only”.
Similar to the Last Seen online status setting to be visible to only selected contacts on WhatsApp is in testing – Photo: Playback/Barbara Mannara
still, WhatsApp It should also bring more advanced privacy options for bio (about) and profile photo. Currently, by default, you can display both “Everyone”, “My Contacts” and “None (Hidden)”. However, according to the WABetaInfo website, the app should also come with an “Except My Contacts” feature – which will allow in addition to “last seen” ones to hide the bio and profile photo for specific contacts.
It is worth remembering that the functionality is still in the testing phase and was released only to users of the TestFlight program with beta resources. If you’re part of the Messenger beta program, find out if Update Available to you, just follow these steps: Go to WhatsAppThen there’s Account, Privacy, and Last Seen.
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