Influential people in Russia recorded videos in which they are seen cutting Chanel bags. The registrations were made as a protest against the brand which had ceased operations in Russia and suspended the sale of products to those who intend to use them inside Russia.
The movement began with presenters Marina Ermoshkina and Victoria Bonya, who had 301,000 and 9.3 million followers on Instagram, respectively, and DJ Katya Guseva, with 587,000 followers on the network.
In the publication, Marina says that, from now on, Russians buying the brand’s products outside Russia will have to sign a document guaranteeing that it will not be used inside the country.
The channel confirmed to the BBC’s website that it is complying with EU sanctions, which prohibit the sale of luxury goods worth more than 300 euros (about R$ 1,550) to Russia, as well as the sale of products to individuals. does. who intend to use it. them in Russian territory.
Victoria, Marina and Katya, Russian influencers – Photo: Reproduction / Instagram
Also according to the statement sent to the British network, the brand “includes a process of asking customers for whom we do not know the primary residence, to confirm that the items they are purchasing will not be used in Russia.” ”
Marina is seen cutting a black branded bag with large gardening shears. In the text, she also says that “not a single bag, not a single thing is worth my love for my motherland, it is not worth my respect for me. I am against Russophobia, I am against such a brand.” I am against those who support Russophobia.”
Victoria also cut her black Chanel bag to a record. “If the Casa channel doesn’t respect its subscribers, why should we respect the Casa channel?” they say.
Katya says that she always dreamed of having a branded bag and got the item last year. “After learning about the brand’s policy towards Russians, I decided to remove these bags from my daily life until the situation changes and support Marina Ermoshkina’s challenge!”
Brand completes the note by saying to the BBC that it is working to improve this approach and apologizes for the misunderstanding. “Welcoming all our customers, regardless of where they come from, is the channel’s priority,” the statement said.