Satellite images obtained by news agencies on Sunday (7) show what they will be full scale models of warships From America built in the middle of the desert of China. Although there is no official information as to why these buildings were built, they are believed to serve as Targets for Chinese military training.
From the images, it is possible to see that at least one model mimics an aircraft carrier and the other, a destroyer. One of the targets was seen mounted on the rail used to carry it. According to the United States Naval Institute (USNI), among the full-scale formations, some were more sophisticated, what appeared to be navigational equipment.
Flat structure that will serve for military training in China, set in the middle of the desert in Xinjiang – Photo: Maxar Technologies via AP
Largely focused on aircraft carriers, US Naval Warfare Commands are among the most powerful weapons in the US arsenal. One of them is stationed in the Pacific, where it oversees key areas such as Taiwan and the South China Sea – where disputes are going on in Chinese territorial waters.
On the other side of the territorial dispute, China has been developing naval combat missiles for some years. This arms race involves projectiles capable of destroying aircraft carriers.
Satellite image shows railway terminal where replicas of US ships are being built in China – Photo: Maxar Technologies AP. Through
The images caught the attention of US military officials. The US Naval Institute says these models were built more than two years ago – the aircraft carrier, a report says, between March and April 2019.
“It went through several reconstructions and was almost completely destroyed in December 2019. But this year the site was used again at the end of September, and the structure was practically completed by the beginning of October. was gone,” he said.
The US institute also says that, according to intelligence company Allsource Analysis, the area has previously been used to test ballistic missiles.
When asked about the pictures, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that he was not aware of the situation.
Beijing is pursuing a major project to modernize its arsenal, with many of its weapons designed to help neutralize major US ships in the event of a regional conflict, according to a Pentagon report released last week. .
MAP – South China Sea — Photo: g1
The Chinese military has deployed some of its missiles in the exercise, which, according to US Navy Admiral Philip Davidson’s testimony to Congress months ago, “has an unmistakable message to the regional and global public.”
The United States regularly conducts operations around the South China Sea and Taiwan, which annoys Beijing.
China claims sovereignty over much of this maritime area and treats Taiwan as a part of its territory, which will one day be withdrawn by force if necessary.