Apple unveiled the new MacBook Pro at the Apple event “Unleashed” last week. Now it’s starting to ship to those who pre-ordered. And there were pictures and video clips of the real machine for some to see. And this will be the real picture of MacBook Pro, 14-inch model, Clear Space Gray color. which we have brought for all to see more
The new MacBook Pro has been revamped. It returns to the same design as the MacBook Pro from 2008. The body is thick, uses a mini-LED screen, has a slim bezel and an iPhone notch on the screen. The 1080p front-facing camera uses the new Apple M1 Pro chip and with the M1 Max to choose from, the keyboard panel cuts out the Touch Bar, returns to the keyboard with the function keys again, and has a Touch ID button, The top right corner houses the fingerprint scanner and HDMI, SD card and MagSafe. Ports are back in this model. Equipped with Thunderbolt 4 port and 3.5mm headset jack.
The new MacBook Pro with M1 Pro and M1 Max chips will be available to order in Thailand and the Apple Store app, and will soon be available at select Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Resellers.
The new 14-inch MacBook Pro debuts 73,900 baht And 68,700 baht For education promotion prices, the new 16-inch MacBook Pro debuts 89,900 baht And 82,900 baht See more technical information for educational promotional pricing Customization options and accessories
Source MacRumors