The former Cain picker becomes an athlete and reaches the summit of Mount Everest: ‘Everyone has the inner strength of achievement’. Fantastic

The former Cain picker becomes an athlete and reaches the summit of Mount Everest: 'Everyone has the inner strength of achievement'.  Fantastic

Of the five Brazilians who reached the summit of Mount everest – The tallest mountain on the planet with an altitude of 4,7 meters – São Paulo Aretha Duarte, 37 years old, was a reusable garbage picker who became an athlete and reached the top of the world.

Before walking in the snow, Aretha had to step on the small piles of hope. Born and raised in Jardim Capivari on the outskirts of New York (SP), where the family lives today. She was the only one in the family to complete higher education. He had knowledge of mountaineering during the College of Physical Education.

Since 2011, Aretha has been working as a climbing guide. It has already moved customers to some of the largest mountains in the world, such as Aconcagua in Argentina and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. But she wanted a greater challenge, Mount Everest located in the Himalayas, more precisely on the border between China and Nepal.

“When I saw a picture of this mountain, I said: I want to live in this place, I can live in that place”, he says.

For a year and a half, Artha struggled daily to raise money for the campaign, a dream of about R $ 400,000. From cane to cane, kilo to kilo, he overcame the first hurdle. Collected 130 tons Recyclable material, equivalent to about R $ 110 thousand. Even in Hawke’s Cauldron, she was able to collect the necessary amount. Watch the campaign in the video above.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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