109 kg “river monster” over 100 years old. Bizarre | Online diary

O esturjão é um peixe de água doce que vive no fundo de lagos

The nickname “River Monster”, a 109-kg fish that may be over 100 years old, was hooked in the Detroit River in the United States in April. The female of the sturgeon fish (the generic name for the family species Asipressanidae) measures a little over 2 meters and, after being registered, was thrown back into the water.

According to information published last Friday (07) by the CNN news portal, a giant fish was caught in the Detroit River in the United States.


According to the newspaper, the image of the bizarre fish was released by the Alpana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, a city about 400 km from Michigan’s capital Detroit. After being caught, “River Monster”, quickly returned to nature.


According to experts, the giant fish must be a female that may be over 100 years old. “It probably originated on the Detroit River around 1920, when Detroit became the fourth largest city in America,” explains the Alpana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office.

Experts point out that females of this species of freshwater fish living in North America can live up to 150 years. According to the agency, the ‘River Monster’ is one of the “largest lake sturgeon ever recorded in the United States”.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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