The epidemic is becoming more violent in Portugal than in countries such as the United States, France, or the United Kingdom, if we compare the incidence of new cases per thousand inhabitants. Portugal still overtakes countries where the Kovid-19 epidemic has been particularly difficult, such as Italy, Spain, or Germany.
With regard to the incidence rate per thousand inhabitants, only Ireland, which saw a very high peak on the first day of the year, but the curve is coming down, and the Czech Republic, which barely overtakes Portugal.
This Saturday was the worst day of the epidemic in Portugal. Health officials announced 166 more deaths from the Kovid-19 epidemic. Since Friday, 93 more inpatients have been reported, 16 of which are in intensive care units.
The region of Lisbon and Tagus Valley was the most infected in the last 24 hours (3,975), with 3,795 new fingertips to the north.
In recent times, hospitals have been on the verge of collapse, especially in the Greater Lisbon region. The last hospital to announce a capacity reduction was Garcia de Horta in Almada. The hospital has a total of 169 inpatients with Kovid-19, 18 of whom are in intensive care, if the situation persists, the hospital accepts a “pre-disaster scenario”.
According to the hospital unit, apart from patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), 148 patients are hospitalized and three others are in the Home Hospitalization Unit (UHD).
Today, January 16, 2021, and debilitating, the hospital registers an increase of patients positive for SARS-Cov-2 infection and affects Kovid-19 to adjust capacity, so as to accommodate the need . Number of positive inpatients “, HGO said in a statement.
Tough condition to be experienced even in the hospital of Torres Vedas. It was quiet Saturday morning, but there were pictures of rows of ambulances outside the emergency room on Friday, with patients waiting to be admitted.
A doctor at Torres Vedras Hospital reported it on Saturday TVI That Centro Hospitalar do Oeste (CHO) Operating at more than double the installed capacity, Given the high number of cases registered after Christmas.
The health professional believes that the entire team is working “without physical conditions and without human conditions”, but also states that “all are providing quality care to patients”.
They cannot, as professionals at Centro Hospitalar do Oeste, they cannot reach more patients, it is already over the limit. I can say that we have twice the capacity we have“.
We do not leave them, we do not leave them and we do not leave our jobs“In an interview, the doctor says TVI.
The hospital itself is struggling with an outbreak of Kovid-19 About 150 infected patients and health professionalss
Daniel Farro, director of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte (CHULN), told reporters on Saturday, Hospital de Santa Maria demand increased nearly 70% in the last 15 daysWill ask for measures for the next two weeks.
We hope that this situation will be under control in the next two weeks, as it is increasing … Just a thought, demand has increased by about 70% in 15 daysThe official told reporters outside the Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon.
Daniel Farrow warned that, “If demand exceeds 80 or 90% in the coming days, there is no capacity in the system”.
It is necessary, at this point, that this state be stable and it becomes stable “, Said the head of the hospital center incorporating Santa Maria and Pulido Valente.
Is responsible Denies that hospital is on the verge of chaos, But images of the ambulance outside the emergency department were made public last Friday. A health professional at the Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, This Saturday told TVI that services broke down in mid-December and the situation worsened.. An image shared on social media showed how many ambulances had to wait hours to leave patients infected with the new coronavirus in the emergency room.
Speaking to TVI24, the professional states that “the services are all complete and there are no vacancies in the hospital. Patients continue to arrive, as it is an end-line hospital, but we have no capacity”.
The professional says that, in the waiting area dedicated to assisting Kovid-19 patients, “there are six to seven ambulances for hours, because we do not have the ability to keep patients in, nor to evacuate them for internment.” for”.