A movie “Punishment”Produced in the Federal District by Cao Almeida and directed by Iago Killing, won Best Film and Best Actor awards 9 The Digital Gate International Film Festival, In Argelia. The Brasilance short film was filmed independently in 2018, and in 2020 participated in seven festivals, five international and two in Brazil.
According to the award-winning actor, Lucio Campello, the enthusiasm is very good. “It’s a rare happy moment. An international award is a surprise to me,” he says.
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The plot, Crime and Punishment, is inspired by Dostoevsky, and brings a reinterpretation of the characters, environments, and emotions that a protagonist, who lives at the fringe of society, can suffer in the current scenario.
The short is 16 minutes long, and for Lucio Campello, the biggest challenge in building the main character was the absence of dialogue. “When I was told that the character would not speak, I thought ‘what now?”, Says the actor.
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“I needed very deep preparation. It was a very delicate task. But the result was amazing, and I am happy to take the name of Brazil and Brasilia to other countries.”
According to producer Cao Almeida, initially, the film was a final course work. “We recorded in 2018 and will release in 2020. The epidemic made it a bit difficult, but they were chosen for some festivals nonetheless. And this year we will also be participating in other festivals in Brazil.”
Brasilence film team, “Castigo, during filming – Photo: Disclosure
It was produced independently only with collective funds, with a budget of over R $ 5,000, and a team of over 25 people. “We didn’t have support in the beginning. But we partnered” the producer says.
Digital Gate International Film Festival
The 9th edition of The Digital Gate International Film Festival went online in December, due to the epidemic of new coronovirus, with films from 17 different countries.
The storyline hero Lucio Campello was given the main award, The Golden Gate and Best Actor, Best Male Role by The Brazilian Short.
In addition to the two Brazilian festivals, the film “Castigo” was screened in the United States, Canada, India, South Africa, Algeria.
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