Vatican seeks clarification from Instagram after Pope Francis’ account likes a photo of a Brazilian model like a schoolgirl
- Instagram users ‘like’ Pope below a racial photo of Natalia Gerboto
- The Vatican claims that “it can be ruled out that” like “came from the Holy See.”
- The Brazilian model joked after the accident: ‘At least I’m going to heaven’
The Vatican is seeking answers from Instagram following an embarrassing social media crash in which the pope’s account “liked” a racist photo of a bikini model.
Eagle’s eye users saw the portal ‘Like’ below a photo of Natalia Gariboto with a caption revealing a schoolgirl saying ‘I can teach you one or two things’.
The episode has garnered ilaline popularity but the Vatican says it is seeking clarification from Facebook’s proprietary platform, as well as an investigation into the Holy See.
A Vatican spokesman said: “We can say that the” like “came from the Holy See, and it has returned to Instagram for comment,” said a Vatican spokesman. Patron.
The official Instagram account of Pope Francis (right) “liked” a racial photo of Brazilian model Natalia Gariboto (left), 27, which showed her in a schoolgirl’s uniform.
A screenshot taken by a hawk-eyed social media user @ Francis shows the account liking the picture
Garibotto joked on Twitter after learning what had happened: ‘At least I’m going to heaven. ‘
He added a light-hearted headline to his website: ‘If Pope Francis wanted a site, you should too.’
The model’s management company, Koi Ko, also took advantage of the apparent mistake by announcing that Gariboto had “received the official blessings of the Pope.”
The legend has it, Pope Francis’s subscription [her website] Under a nickname, ‘he joked.
Francis’ account does not follow anyone on Instagram, and is managed by a team of Vatican staff at Popal Social Media.
Vatican sources told the Catholic News Agency that an investigation was under way to determine what happened.
Brazilian model jokes ‘at least I’m going to heaven’ after social media crash
The photo was originally posted on Garibo’s account in early October, but it was not immediately clear when Pontiff’s ‘likes’ came.
The pope’s explicit approval was again revoked on November 14 after the Vatican became aware of the mistake.
In the picture, Miss Garibotto wore a short tartan skirt while packing books in a locker and received more than 160,000 likes in the wrong direction.
The 27-year-old Brazilian has about 2.5 million followers on his website and also on Amazon-owned streaming website Twitch.