recently, WhatsApp Started testing a new way of listening to audio through the platform. Users will be able to listen to voice messages and audio files without being active in the same conversation. That is, you will be able to listen to a message while reading another text sent inside Messenger.
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However, this is not the only change expected in the short term. Check out 6 upcoming news on WhatsApp.
1 – Update for Windows
Recently, Messenger released its beta version for Windows 2.2202.2.0, better known as the UWP version. However, for those who were waiting for the news, the platform should soon implement the dark theme for this version of the app.
2 – New to Restrictions Review
WhatsApp should release some new dark icons to be used within the app in the future. They will be deployed once the new sanctions review feature is activated. It can already be seen in the beta version of Android.
3 – Change about contact for companies
Soon, when a user uses the company directory to get in touch with one of them, Messenger will appear. It will also indicate whether resources from nearby resource companies are used.
4 – cover photo for whatsapp
The platform may release the cover photo later this year. The tool will only be intended for Enterprise accounts of the App. However, there should be a big news coming very soon on the community feature of WhatsApp. At least that’s what analysts estimate.
5 – audio interface
WhatsApp is testing a new interface for audio calls. In fact, it is the feature that has gained more visibility recently. Testers haven’t revealed much about the novelty yet, but it should be rolling out to both Android and iOS.
6 – Changing the camera
Soon, WhatsApp Camera should look more clean and minimalist. This can bring more functionality to the feature, apart from making the app load lighter and faster.