Activities promoting cultural exchange with India

Activities promoting cultural exchange with India

The university will develop activities to promote cultural exchange with India in partnership with the organization Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).The joint action is a result of the visit of Jyoti Kiran, a diplomat from the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, who was at UFMS on August 29.

The first activity after the partnership will be the offer of two remote workshops. The first of them should involve the creation of country-specific puppets, while the second will involve painting MadhubaniA style that uses fingers, pens, twigs and matchsticks to depict human beings and their association with nature such as plants and animals. Two workshops will be held on September 26, October 3, 10 and 17, which will be broadcasted live from India under the supervision of ICCR.

“These workshops can have multiple purposes. You can learn about Indian cultural heritage, but you can also learn for your own practical use”, explains Lucilene Machado García Arfe, Secretary for International Relations at the Agency for Internationalization and Innovation.

ICCR has been in existence since 1950 and aims to promote cultural exchange between India and other countries. “There is an interest in presenting Indian culture on the international cultural map through our own eyes, to correct the distortions and stereotypes that often prevail across the country and to establish mutual contacts with other countries, especially emerging ones. So, we will probably do many activities in collaboration with them”, says the secretary.

Text: Aliria Aristides

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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